Our plate rolling equipment, skilled craftsmen and proven techniques are combined to produce light and heavy wall rolled and welded cylinders, and segments of consistent roundness and quality.
Typically, we custom roll form cylinders cold. However, we have the ability to hot form as required. Many steel plates need to be hot formed to prevent material fracture due to the high ratio between the thickness of the material and the diameter being formed. Our sales representatives can advise you concerning your requirements.
Rolled cylinders can be formed with either square butt or beveled weld joints on the longitudinal and circumferential seams. Rolled cylinders can be tack welded only or seams can be fully welded into single or multiple lengths. Rolled cylinder welds receive complete nondestructive examination as required.
Rode Welding can roll cylinders from our own steel plate inventory, for quick delivery, or from customer supplied material. Our sales representatives can advise you as to the exact size of plate to provide.
Rolling capacity:
- Minimum Diameter: 17 ½”
- Maximum Diameter: 17’ – 6” (in one piece)
Segments can be roll formed to larger diameters as required:
- Minimum Thickness: ¼”
- Maximum Thickness: 11”
- Maximum Length: 10’
Welds can be non-destructive tested by our Quality Control personnel and include:
- Visual
- Ultrasonic, Phased array and single beam
- Magnetic Particle (wet dry) or
- Liquid Penetrant
- Radiography (X-ray)